Unit 11, Pickering Street, LS12

£24,500 PA

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  • Located just off Armley Road, Leeds
  • Approx. 2 Miles West of Leeds City Centre.
  • Open Plan Workshop Space
  • Dock Level Loading Access
  • 3-Phase Electricity
  • WC Facilities
  • Large Communal Car Park
  • 6,134 Sq ft (569.9 m²)

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Unit 11 is situated on the North facing side of Carlton Trading Estate, located on Pickering Street just off the A647 / Armley Road and therefore boasts strong access and public transport routes to Leeds City Centre. The unit comprises of traditional light industrial / workshop space that includes separately partitioned office accommodation, Meeting / Storage rooms, kitchen and WC facilities.

Carlton Trading Estate is situated fronting Pickering Street, which links Armley Road (A647 Leeds to Bradford trunk road) with Canal Road, approximately 2 miles west of Leeds city centre. The estate is easily accessible by car and a variety of local bus networks. The Estate includes a variety of office, industrial and leisure operators. The premises is situated in close proximity to a variety of national retail operators on Armley Road such as B&M, Farmfoods and Lidl.

Unit 11 is situated in the centre of the Carlton Trading Estate which is accessed via the main car park. The unit comprises of a workshop / warehouse space that includes separately partitioned office accommodation, Meeting / Storage rooms, kitchen and WC facilities. The space benefits from an abundance of natural light from both the north and south facing elevations. Externally the property benefits from dock level loading access, separate staff / customer entrance, large communal car pack that is gated and monitored by CCTV.

Measured in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement (Incorporating Property Measurement Standards) 2nd Edition, January 2023, the unit provides an approximate gross internal floor area of 6,134 Sq Ft (569.9 m²).

The property is offered on a new effective full repairing and insuring lease for a minimum term of 3 years at an asking rental of £24,500 per annum plus VAT. The tenant will be responsible for payment of utilities, service charge and business rates in connection with their occupation.

According to the Valuation Office Agency, the property currently has a rateable value as per 2023 Rating List of £25,500. Interested parties are advised to direct further enquiries to the local authority.

The property possesses an EPC rating of E ¿ 113.

Each Party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in any transaction.

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